Shop the littleBits Collection

Transform ideas into reality with littleBits! Create amazing inventions and develop design-thinking and problem-solving skills with these easy-to-use, snap-together electronic Bits.


98 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 98 products
littleBits Makerspace Invention Wall
STEAM+ Coding Kit with electronic circuits, durable storage, and standards-aligned educator guides.
STEAM+ Coding Kit class pack with educator guides.
littleBits Code Kit with electronic circuits and educator guides.
littleBits Code Kit Class Pack with durable storage and educator guides.
RVR topper kit for coding robot.
littleBits wall storage
Durable Storage box.
Pink littleBits i3 button.
Pink littleBits i1 slide switch bit.
Pink littleBits i2 toggle switch bit.
Pink littleBits i7 remote trigger bit.
Pink littleBits i22 sequencer bit.
Pink littleBits i23 threshold bit.
Pink littleBits i16 pulse bit.
Pink littleBits i17 timeout bit.
Pink littleBits i18 motion trigger.
Pink littleBits i19 roller switch bit.
Pink littleBits i20 sound trigger bit.
Pink littleBits i12 temperature sensor bit.