Apply for Federal & State Grants

Federal and state grants are either formula or discretionary. Formula grants are automatically awarded to qualifying entities based on set criteria.
Discretionary grants are competitively awarded based on merit, project alignment, and available resources.


The formula grants available vary by need, such as rural or insular areas, special populations, and emergency relief funds. These grants are awarded based on a predetermined formula determined by Congress.

Explore Formula Grants


Discretionary grants are awarded through a competitive process. A federal agency selects recipients based on merit, eligibility, and the program’s technical, scientific, or programmatic content.

Explore Discretionary Grants


Each state administers Perkins V Funding differently, making it essential for states to submit their own plans to the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Career and Technical Adult Education (OCTAE) to outline eligibility, performance benchmarks, and local use criteria. To understand Perkins funding requirements in your state, review your state's specific plan for details and application deadlines.

Qualifying Products:

• Sphero Blueprint Engineering (engineering, robotics)

• Sphero BOLT+ (computer science, robotics, applying STEM concepts)

• Sphero RVR+ (computer science, robotics, applying STEM concepts)

Explore Perkins V Funding


Each state determines its own way to allocate general funds and award extra funds as grants.

Block grants require districts to apply for funding, and districts must make a case for why they should receive the funds.

Special funding is allocated for targeted programs such as special education, technology, gifted and at-risk populations.

Explore State Grants


ESEA (Title I, Part A): Funding for disadvantaged students and classrooms.

IDEA: Funding for students with autism and language disabilities.

EIR Grants: Funding for high-need students.

National Science Foundation AISL: Funding for informal STEM Learning programs

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