Apply for Federal & State Grants

There are two types of Federal grants: formula grants and discretionary grants. Formula grants are awarded based on specific criteria, allowing any qualifying entity to receive the grant.


  • Innovative Programs: This state-administered Federal formula grant program is designed to support local school reform; funds can be used for instructional and education materials, technology, and school improvement.
    Application due dates: Between April and August for several different grants.

  • Enhancing Education through Technology State Program: Designed to improve student achievement through the use of technology, the “Ed-Tech Program” also has the goal of improving tech literacy among students by eighth grade.
    Application due date: Varies depending on your home state.

  • 21st Century Community Learning Centers: Also known as 21st CCLC, this is the only Federal funding source dedicated to afterschool programs. Funds are distributed to each state based on its Title 1 funding award to low-income students, and funds can be used toward academic enrichment materials and activities, including those for STEM programs.
    Application due dates: Varies depending on your home state.

  • Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers: This is one of several grants awarded by the National Science Foundation, a Federal agency, and it is designed to expose students to STEM careers and provide them with technology-rich experiences.
    Application due date: Friday, August 11, 2023


  • Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs: GEAR UP is a six-year, competitive grant designed to help prepare low-income students for college and careers.
    Application due date: Applications are usually open through the summer months annually.

  • Supporting Knowledge Mobilization for PreK-12 and Informal STEM Learning and Teaching: The National Science Foundation (NSF) promotes STEM education collaborations among researchers and practitioners and provides grants to address pressing needs in diverse preK-12 schools, informal learning institutions, and communities. The NSF aims to mobilize knowledge across domains, levels, and research/education contexts and amplify the impact and usability of STEM education research.
    Deadline: Varies by program (check specific programs for details)
    Region: Nationwide
    Grade Level: PreK-12
    Grant Amount: Varies by program (check specific programs for details)

Search for more open discretionary grant opportunities here.


Each state determines its own way to allocate general funds and award extra funds as grants.

Block grants require districts to apply for funding, and districts must make a case for why they should receive the funds.

Special funding is allocated for targeted programs such as special education, technology, gifted and at-risk populations.

The Education Commission of the States has information on programs by state here.


Perkins V Funding: Each state administers Perkins V funding differently, making it essential for states to submit their own plans to the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Career and Technical Adult Education (OCTAE) to outline eligibility, performance benchmarks, and local use criteria. To understand Perkins funding requirements in your state, review your state's specific plan for details and application deadlines.

Qualifying Products