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Artificial Intelligence: The Future of Teaching & Learning

When we talk about artificial intelligence in relation to education, it’s easy to think about AI robots teaching at the front of the classroom or to focus on the downsides, like the challenges of plagiarism and cheating. However, there is another side to AI within education frameworks: it can be used as a tool to enhance experiences and outcomes for both teachers and students. In fact, in a recent survey, 55% of teachers said that AI is having a positive impact on learning outcomes. In this article, we’ll look at how AI is playing an increasingly important role in education, how it is being used today, and how it can benefit educators through a collaborative approach. 

The Rise of AI in Education 

There is no denying that artificial intelligence will shape the future of education around the world. There’s also no magic “AI education robot” that will take over teachers’ jobs. The path forward will likely blend AI into the fabric of education systems. In fact, the World Economic Forum recently highlighted the role of AI in education, stating: “If managed well, technology—particularly artificial intelligence (AI)—offers a unique opportunity to help education systems enable Education 4.0—teaching and learning approach that focuses on providing learners with the abilities, skills, attitudes and values fit for the future.”

Current Applications for AI in Education 

Today, the technology is still young, which means that it hasn’t reached all classrooms yet, but there are already some examples of how AI is being used to encourage learning in an inclusive way 

For example, certain schools are implementing AI to offer students lessons and content that are tailored to their strengths and skills. As most teachers don’t have the resources or bandwidth to create personalized learning materials for each student, AI can help by generating custom content based on each student’s learning pace and assessments.  

AI tutors are also being explored at certain schools. This technology can offer students personalized content, assessments, and feedback. On top of that, students can engage with their AI tutor in a one-on-one manner. 

Young students working on laptops.

How AI can Benefit Teachers 

In addition to offering students more personalized learning, AI tools also have benefits for educators. For example, AI tutors can function as learning management tools, delivering insights and data on students’ progress that can help teachers understand their strengths and weaknesses.  

One of the biggest benefits that AI can bring to educators is the automation of administrative tasks, like lesson planning, grading, scheduling, attendance reports, and more. With AI as an assistant, teachers have more time to focus on social-emotional learning and to connect with their students.  

Considerations When Using AI in the Classroom 

While the benefits of integrating AI in education are becoming increasingly clear, there are of course limitations to the technology that must be considered, as well as some associated challenges. Here are some challenges that should be considered: 

  • Technology access: the use of AI in learning requires access to technology that not all students have. For example, the National Education Association found that in 2020, 25% of school-aged children did not have access to a web-enabled device at home.  
  • AI bias: Educators should understand that AI algorithms and tools may have bias regarding race, gender, and even language that may factor into a student’s experience and assessment. 
  • Data privacy: Because AI tools function by gathering data, educators should understand what types of student data will be collected and who will have access to it. If privacy is a concern, teachers can choose to not use real student data when working with AI tools. 
  • Overdependence on tech: Educators should also be wary of relying too much on AI and other technology in the classroom. Used in the right ways and doses, AI can empower students, however, too much reliance on it can hinder the development of critical thinking skills and creativity. 
  • Authenticity: AI, like ChatGPT and Gemini, make it easy for students to produce essays or answer questions without really engaging with the material. Educators may need to look into software that detects AI-generated content, but also find unique ways to encourage students to create authentic content of their own.

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning 

Ultimately, the future of AI and the future of education are closely intertwined. As the adoption of artificial intelligence in classrooms continues to grow, it’s important that educators are equipped to make the most out of it and work with it rather than against it. Finding constructive ways to collaborate with AI can take learning to new heights, giving students more varied and personalized resources, while also freeing up teachers’ time to focus more on connecting with students and focusing on developing their creativity, critical thinking, and social-emotional skillsthe things AI won't be able to do for a very, very long time.


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The Sphero Team

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