Sphero Team
Teacher working with student on Sphero Bolt.

Our inductees for 2019

In November of 2017, we set out to create a program to help innovative teachers share their story more loudly and support active leaders that are helping other educators discover what’s possible with Sphero Edu. That program was appropriately named Sphero Heroes… and not just because it has a good ring to it.

Last year’s inductees exceeded our expectations, and we’ve collaborated with our 17 Sphero Heroes in some amazing ways — product development, content creation, events, professional learning, and more. Not to mention the bond our Heroes built with one another almost instantly, supporting each other’s creative ideas and efforts.

Now, here we are in 2019, thrilled to introduce our 37 new inductees into the Sphero Heroes program, bringing our total number of rock star Sphero Hero educators to 54. That said, of our new inductees, 18 are outside of the United States… beefing up our global presence and sharing the Sphero Edu love all over the world.

Our wonderful, talented, and inspirational Heroes of 2018 will undoubtedly retain their title and welcome in our new folks, creating one big happy Sphero loving family.

Well, enough of the small talk. Let’s get right to it. Meet our new additions to Sphero Heroes for 2019!


From sea to shining sea to New Zealand, Iceland, and everywhere in between, we’ve got Sphero Heroes all across the globe taking teaching #BeyondCode.

Meet all our Sphero Heroes!