Sphero is the #1 STEAM (STEM + Art) tool for hands-on, standards-aligned PK–12 learning. Sphero has a solution for every school and classroom with our single and multi-pack coding robots, littleBits, and Blueprint kits, as well as our professional development and curriculum for teachers. Shop All Education Products >



STEAM Education Kits & Coding Robots For Students PK–12

186 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 152 products
152 results
BOLT+ Coding Robot
BOLT+ Coding Robot
Sphero indi Student kit with durable storage.
indi Code Mat & Literacy Cardsindi Code Mat & Literacy Cards
Sphero RVR+ programmable robot car.
Blueprint Engineering
Blueprint Bit Kit
The Blueprint Build Kit BEST of STEM winner.
Blueprint Build
Blueprint Build
Mini 16 pack box with activity cards fanned out.
Maze & Grid Code MatMaze & Grid Code Mat
BOLT coding robot with LED matrix.https://www.youtube.com/embed/T-NyII1FGi8
BOLT Power Pack with 15 coding robots.https://www.youtube.com/embed/T-NyII1FGi8
Sphero BOLT Power Pack + Sphero City and Golf Code Mat.
Power Pack with Space and Soccer mat.
indi Educator Guide book.Educator flipping through indi guide book.
BOLT Educator GuideBOLT Educator Guide
Educator guide for RVR+ programmable robot car.RVR+ Educator Guide
STEAM+ Coding Kit with electronic circuits, durable storage, and standards-aligned educator guides.Laptop showing circuit simulator next to littleBits invention, tackle box, and invention guide.
STEAM+ Coding Kit class pack with educator guides.Laptop showing circuit simulator next to littleBits invention, tackle box, and invention guide.