As part of our ongoing CSForAll commitment, we’re excited to
offer the Sphero Power Up Program for a second year!

This initiative allows Title I schools, non-profits, and youth organizations to borrow a new Sphero BOLT+ Power Pack
or indi Class Pack (8 robots) for up to six weeks, reaching a total of 2-3,000 students throughout 2025.

Here’s what last year’s recipients said
about the Sphero Power Up Program!

“Sphero Time” was a hit with all grades. All campers had drive time. K–2 learned to drive through an obstacle course. A few also did block coding (sound and lights were favorites).”
- Kris S., NC

“Working with the Sphero BOLT robots was a wonderful experience. The students had so much fun, and it was great to see them all engaged – and they engaged in different ways.”
– Denise P., CA

Eligibility Criteria


Based in the United States.

Educational Focus

Represent a school or organization working with students in grades PK-8th grade.

Underserved Communities

Engage with underserved communities, including Title I schools and 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations.

Educational Impact

Provide a clear plan for utilizing the Sphero BOLT+ or indi robots to benefit at least 50 kids.*

Program Commitments

• Provide feedback based on your experience with Sphero BOLT+ or indi.

• Possess the necessary computing devices (e.g., iPads, Chromebooks, or Mac/Windows laptops) for programming BOLT+ in the Sphero Edu app.

• Have the capability to install the Sphero Edu app on your devices.
   - You can also use the Sphero Edu Web app on your desktop or laptop to connect to BOLT+ in your web browser.

• If selected, agree to the program terms and conditions outlined via email. This includes returning the BOLT+ Power Pack or the indi Class Pack after the loan period ends using a prepaid shipping label provided by Sphero.

*Classroom Teachers, if you work with fewer than 50 students, check out our Implementation Models below for ideas on expanding your reach.

Implementation Models

Applicants have flexibility in how they implement the program, including but not limited to:

• A team of 5th-grade teachers who share the BOLT+ Power Pack among three classrooms.

• A library media teacher using indi Class Pack for coding instruction during library time.

• An out-of-school organization incorporating BOLT+ Power Pack in a summer coding camp.

Important Dates

• December 3, 2024 - January 12, 2025: Loaner applications open

• February 7, 2025: Recipients notified

• Kits ship out based on selected loan period* (options below):

  - Loan period 1 (Feb/Mar 2025)

  - Loan period 2 (April/May 2025)

  - Loan period 3 (Summer 2025)

  - Loan period 4 (Sep/Oct 2025)

  - Loan period 5 (Nov/Dec 2025)

*If selected, we will email you your anticipated delivery date and tracking information.

Learn More About Sphero BOLT+ and indi

For inspiration on how Sphero robots can be used in the classroom, visit our Sphero BOLT+ and indi pages on Sphero Central.