A boy sits at a computer at a desk working on a program.
At HomeMarie Johnson

Why You Should Teach Kids Programming

Programming is a well known, yet rather rare skill. In a discussion about learning programming, most people probably wouldn’t think of teaching children. Programming, however, is nothing more than a new language, and multiple studies have indicated that 10 is the best age to begin learning a new language.
Up close shot of a Sphero BOLT Power Pack with LED matrices spelling out BOLT in purple lights.
At HomeAmanda Vaden

How to Disassemble Your BOLT Power Pack

Did you know you can easily break down a BOLT Power Pack to have 15 individual robots and charging cradles? BOLT Power Packs can be separated into individual BOLTs and BOLT charging cradles, allowing you to send individual robots home with students. This step-by-step guide will show you how to do it properly.
Kids work together at a table to build a robot invention with Sphero RVR.
At HomeAmanda Vaden

Webinar: The Sphero Global Challenge

In this free 45-minute webinar we’ll go over each individual event, how to assemble a team, gear to get started, and other questions you might have before registering for the competition. Register now!
A little girl sits at a table cutting colored paper with scissors.
At HomeKayleigh Alexandra

Fun Activities to Give Your Creative Child A Boost

If you’re a parent trying to support your creative child as best you can, then, you should look beyond conventional lesson plans and find different ways to capture and keep their attention. That’s where fun educational activities become so useful: they allow extensive expression and keep kids learning at the same time. 
A young girl with eyeglass on top of her head sits at a table in front of her laptop.
At HomeDrew Biskner

17 STEM Career Ideas for Kids

When you think of STEM careers, do you think of high-tech, coding positions that involve nothing more than sitting behind a screen all day? The reality is there are many widely diverse options for a variety of interests. We’ve compiled a STEM careers list for students and kids interested in STEM broken down by each discipline. 
A mom and her daughter and son lay on a bed looking at a tablet together.
At HomeAmanda Vaden

The Online STEM Resources That Are Helping Parents the Most This Summer

In a recent survey, we asked parents to share anything they’ve turned to during the pandemic that has made parenting easier — even if only just a bit. Well, we’ve heard from tons of parents and are excited to share a collection of the most helpful resources from our community of resilient parents. 
A girl shows off her purple spider project to the rest of her classmates.
At HomeMegan Glenn

Why STEM Education is More Important Now Than Ever

The technological age has always been a complex and ever-changing landscape that requires Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) skills to successfully navigate this rapidly growing space. STEM careers have increased by 79% since the 1990s and are projected to continue to grow by at least 13% into 2027.
A young girl drives a Sphero BOLT through water in the backyard.
At HomeAmanda Vaden

STEAM Summer Gift Guide

Now that the school year has ended, you may be looking to summer and feeling daunted. You just powered through the last couple of months of school in a never-before-seen way, and if your regular camp or usual schedule is canceled, you may feel at a loss for what to do.
A boy and woman sit in the grass outside painting with a Sphero robot.
At HomeSphero Team

A Guide to Remixing Your Kid’s Summer Schedule

After a long year of early morning alarm clocks, carpools, and after-school activities, summer is here! And while this school year was anything but normal, summer still represents a new sense of freedom from daily school schedules and morning routines. That’s why it’s important for your kids to maintain some type of structure for proper growth and development, even when they’re on summer break.
Webinar: Using Project-Based Learning to make at home and in the classroom
At HomeAmanda Vaden

Webinar: Using Project-Based Learning to make at home and in the classroom

This 45-minute, free webinar will show you how to utilize project-based learning to engage children in the making process no matter where they are. Sphero Hero Nicholas Provenzano will showcase the work he has done with students in his Makerspace and when his school transitioned to remote learning. 
Dad and kid sit outside together on a sunny day.
At HomeDrew Biskner

Four Unique STEAM-based Father's Day Gift Ideas

Like most holidays this year, Father’s Day is more than likely going to be celebrated a little differently. So, why not take it as an opportunity to make a unique and creative Father’s Day gift? Something that commemorates the year you’ve spent together and shows off some ingenuity will leave a lasting impression and make the best memories.
Young girl sits in chair while looking at a tablet.
At HomeMichelle Acaley

3 Steps to Improving the Quality of Your Kid’s Screen Time During a Pandemic

You don't have to feel guilty about screen time. In a matter of weeks, my five-year-old daughter went from having no experience with video calls to becoming our family’s go-to expert. The other day I overheard her explaining to her teacher, “You have to mute everybody to make the echo stop.” I’m impressed but not surprised.