Dad and kid sit outside together on a sunny day.
At HomeDrew Biskner

Four Unique STEAM-based Father's Day Gift Ideas

Like most holidays this year, Father’s Day is more than likely going to be celebrated a little differently. So, why not take it as an opportunity to make a unique and creative Father’s Day gift? Something that commemorates the year you’ve spent together and shows off some ingenuity will leave a lasting impression and make the best memories.
Dad and kid sit outside together on a sunny day.
At HomeDrew Biskner

Four Unique STEAM-based Father's Day Gift Ideas

Like most holidays this year, Father’s Day is more than likely going to be celebrated a little differently. So, why not take it as an opportunity to make a unique and creative Father’s Day gift? Something that commemorates the year you’ve spent together and shows off some ingenuity will leave a lasting impression and make the best memories.
A teacher works with her class on a painting with Sphero robots at a table.
At SchoolSphero Team

#BeyondCode: How Sphero Fosters Creativity Through Computer Science

Creativity. It's been criticized, overlooked, and misconstrued. Of course creativity can translate to artistic talents, but you can also be a creative mathematician, historian, teacher, and yes, even a creative programmer. Sphero's STEAM Education program teaches coding and 21st century literacy, but it also goes beyond code and fosters creativity.
Young girl sits in chair while looking at a tablet.
At HomeMichelle Acaley

3 Steps to Improving the Quality of Your Kid’s Screen Time During a Pandemic

You don't have to feel guilty about screen time. In a matter of weeks, my five-year-old daughter went from having no experience with video calls to becoming our family’s go-to expert. The other day I overheard her explaining to her teacher, “You have to mute everybody to make the echo stop.” I’m impressed but not surprised.

Students work together to build an invention on top of a Sphero RVR robot.
At HomeSphero Team

Project-Based Learning Examples: What Is Project-Based Learning?

Here at Sphero, we absolutely love project-based learning. We keep it top of mind when developing new educational tools and make activities and games that actively encourage it. Our passion for project-based learning makes us excited to share our knowledge with readers during the quarantine. 
Teachers work with students in their classrooms using Sphero.
Sphero NewsSphero Team

To Teachers, Love Sphero

First of all, Hi. We love you. We wouldn’t be here making robots and STEM kits if teachers like you hadn’t inspired us, pushed us, and encouraged us to bring enough gum for the whole class. So, thank you for that.
A girl and her mom work on STEAM-based activities with Sphero Mini Activity Kit at a table at home.
At HomeSphero Team

STEAM Activities for Kids

As we move further along into this post-pandemic quarantine, parents everywhere are looking for ways to keep their child busy throughout the day. While binge watching television shows may be a solution for some, there are much better ways to engage your child. You can even help them gain new skills while staying at home. 
A boy sits at his desk in a classroom working on a computer with Sphero BOLT.
At SchoolSphero Team

STEM Education: How to Bring STEM Learning into the Classroom

In today’s quick-to-change world, it’s more important than ever that we prepare students to solve tomorrow’s problems. If we hope to crack the world’s most challenging issues, we need more innovative thinkers, self-driven inventors, and creative problem-solvers in the workplace. The solution is clear: to meet the talent demand, we need to focus on STEM education in school. 
Sphero RVR navigating a tape maze on the floor of a house.
At HomeRichard Perry

Social Distancing STEM Project

When our school closed and we moved learning to online at home, I started looking for a way to sustain cooperative interaction with my students during these times of responsible social distancing.  I landed on remote coding.
A boy sits at his desk in a classroom working on a computer with Sphero BOLT.
Amanda Vaden

What is SpheroCare?

SpheroCare is an extended warranty program that allows you to bring our bots and bits into your home or classroom knowing your investment is protected. By purchasing SpheroCare, you can explore, play, and learn with reckless abandon!
Young boy and father sit at desk while learning off a laptop together.
At HomeDrew Biskner

How to Celebrate “Take Your Kids to Work Day” While Working from Home

Today is National Take Your Kids to Work Day. Under normal circumstances, it would be a time for you to bring your kids to the office to give them a glimpse into the working world, teach them something new, and share experiences together. Obviously, this year things are a bit different. 
Sphero Global Challenge logo with space background.
Sphero NewsAmanda Vaden

The Sphero Global Challenge is coming!

COMING FALL 2020! The Sphero Global Challenge is the ultimate STEM competition and an opportunity for students to go deeper with computational thinking, engineering, and programming skills. 
Do you know what 21st Century Skills are?  They're vital in shaping your students' futures.
At SchoolAmanda Vaden

What are 21st Century Skills?

Here at Sphero, we talk a lot about 21st Century Skills, and we’re certain you’ve heard A LOT about them. (The phrase has become somewhat of a buzzword.) But what are 21st Century Skills and which are the most important? Well, the short answer is they’re all important, but we’ll dive into each one a bit further here and how to best implement the right activities and curriculum to achieve them as goals.
Young girl playing with BOLT in classroom.
Amanda Vaden

Sphero Session: Play is a Powerful Teacher

At Sphero we believe that play is a powerful teacher. In this 45 minute webinar, you’ll learn how play and inquiry-based learning puts students’ questions, ideas and observations at the center of their learning experiences. You’ll learn how Sphero promotes play-based learning to boost engagement and motivation in students of all ages.